Right now it is easy to imagine that we can along on our own. When you think of asking for assistance for small items like helping with the house or the kids, it doesn’t make a lot of sense since you aren’t supposed to have anyone in your homes right now anyway. Still, we can’t do this alone.
If we are honest with ourselves, none of us ever imagined that this is how we would be doing life. We never imagined this is how we would be parenting our young kids or “enjoying” our retirement but here we are.
My mother was the one who first pointed this out to me. She came over for a few days to help get the kids ready for school as well as to do errands AND take care of the house, while Erik and I tried to catch up on work. She had already done so much and I felt badly asking for more. While she was checking off the list of school supplies she said “No one should have to parent through this crazy time alone and I’m so thankful I can help.” WOW! That was an eye opening statement. I didn’t feel nearly as needy. I just felt loved.
Ask Yourself
The truth is, we all need help. Can you think of someone who recently reached out to ask if you needed anything? Were you honest about what they could do or did you pretend you could do it all alone? Take a second and see how important it is to be connected during this isolation adventure.