A Huge Pain in the Butt

I don’t know about you but when I was growing up, my parents and mentors taught me right from wrong and they didn’t mince words.  From then on, my conscience has been what some people would call “A Huge Pain in the Butt!”

I’m not by any means suggesting that I never make a wrong decision but I am saying that when I do, it never ends well.  Even if no one else finds out, my stomach churns with guilt and I have to share what happened with someone else.  I need to sort through what I did and how I can make it right.

The Problem

Today, there are more opportunities than ever to hurt others without anyone else finding out what you did.  Steal an identity.  Use a credit card that isn’t yours to buy awful things.  Even make comments on websites that are extremely hurtful or filled with lies.  Once you start, it is hard to quit because that conscience gets to be less of a pain.  No one is there to tell you it’s wrong and no one may ever learn it was you.

Unfortunately, it isn’t as unusual as we would like to believe.  It’s scary to think of how many people seem to “enjoy” hurting others when they know they can’t be accused for this wrong doing.

The Challenge

Be the one who stands up to these temptations even when it seems so easy to just play along.  Believe it or not, every smeared reputation has a name and a face.  What if next time, that face is yours or the face of someone you love?  It’s worth it to listen to that “Huge Pain in the Butt”.  You’ll be thankful later.

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