I am just starting to learn how to garden. This year, I planted my version of a butterfly garden. Most of my seeds never took root and much of what I thought was my planned flowers actually turned out to be weeds. It was devastating to me that green seedlings that I had cared for may actually all be invasive species that wouldn’t attract butterflies at all. A few weeks ago, I admitted that the project had failed and I would try again next year. Still, I was reluctant to make the decision to actually pull the weeds because I didn’t have a true educated opinion available.
The Decision
Yesterday, I saw a few large plants growing there that I assumed could only be weeds. I even looked them up on an app to confirm a name of “amaranth” otherwise known as “pigweed.” It was time. I made the decision and I pulled every one of these that I could see and threw them in the woods. There was vindication over the pesky plants that I felt had come uninvited to my sacred space. It was definitely a decision based from anger and not wisdom.
Very soon after, I remembered one of the seed packages I had used. The small green shoot on the “weeds” I had just picked looked much like the beautiful red flowers on that package. I went to grab the bag of seeds in the garage. It was titled “Love Lies Bleeding” then I turned it around to see, in very small print, “amaranth”. Oh my goodness! I killed some of the very plants I had worked so hard to grow in the first place.
Owning It
It was embarrassing but I needed to own my decision. I had no one to blame but myself. This was a great reminder that 1) Decisions made in anger or out of frustration need to be thought through before actions are taken. 2) None of us are perfect and not every one of our choices will be correct. Still, if we never step out and make decisions for ourselves, we will never have an opportunity to be right about anything. 3) It is not helpful to sit and mull over our mistakes for hours or days at a time. We need to learn from that experience and move on to new adventures.
Ask Yourself
Where have you made some incorrect choices? Have you taken the time to learn from those choices and grow? Also, have you given yourself the ability to move on and succeed in future choices? Picture this: Sometimes even silly mistakes wear us down so much that other steps to success are ignored. That is a very scary thought!