An Unusual Event
This morning, when my kids heard that we were having eggs for breakfast, they both offered to help. Kadence wanted to cut the bacon and Kemuel wanted to crack the eggs. I was admittedly shocked. Lately, when they hear egg are on the menu, they groan. Also, I have asked them if they want to help many time and it is extremely rare that they are interested in cooking. I may not make it look like much fun since I tend to be stressed out in the kitchen. In any case, I was convinced something must have changed in order for breakfast today to be so unique from other days.
The Theory
I thought about how yesterday had been different. I recalled that after school the previous day, I had allowed both of my kids to laugh for a good half hour after the got home. Then, it was time for homework and we muddled through together. At dinner time, our entire family laughed for what seemed like hours at the dinner table after everyone had happily cleaned their plates. We laughed about math, weather…even burping. We were pretty worn out by the end but the positive energy continued to flow even after the family comedy session.
Plans for Further Tests
Honestly, everyone in our house is an entertainer on some level so the laughter flows pretty freely in the Anderson family. Still, yesterday seemed to be an extra special fill of giggles. I had to wonder if this energy may have poured over to today and caused the enthusiasm for helping in the kitchen. I shared this with Erik and he found it interesting as well. Next time we clean house, we will plan for a family comedic pre-show. I think that may be just what we need to have enthusiasm for working together on chores. If so, bring on those laughs!