Good Things and Great Things

“Good things take time, Great things happen all at once”  This phrase has popped into my head many times over the years but I completely forgot (until I googled it) that it came from the crazy movie Rat Race.  It is a good summary of our recent chapter of events in life.  Things have been very busy but very exciting also.  It has been almost to a point that we have to stop and check to confirm we aren’t dreaming.

I have always loved drama and excitement and will admit that I don’t want the craziness right now to end.  I want to continue exploring and meeting new people and doing new things all at once.  There seems to be so much positive energy to go around.  The smile on my face hasn’t gone away for long lately, except when I saw the wet towels from last night left on the bathroom floor this morning.

What about those “Good Things”
Still, I know I need to remember the importance of the good things that “took time” like our marriage of 16 years and our 2 incredible kids.  They are what will last if we don’t take them for granted.  Our daughter is not happy that I have been traveling all month because of various career opportunities.  She is used to me being available and in town almost always.  I absolutely need to make sure whatever new excitement going on now does not overshadow her incredible love.  That love is more valuable than anything “Great” could ever bring.

Who Gets the Credit
I also need to remember that the “Great things” that are happening right now so quickly, have been very much out of my control.  They are a gift from God and we hope we will honor Him by how hard we are working to succeed in the opportunities we have been given.  We can’t take credit when we see things happen the way they have recently.  Truly, it is a lot easier when we don’t have to be the ones to make the magic happen.

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