I saw a quote yesterday that I have heard and believed many times in the past. “We don’t grow when things are easy.  We grow when things are hard.”  However, I read it differently this time.  I realized that for years I have felt guilty when I was happy.  I had figured God could only use me while I was in misery.  It was as though my eyes had been opened when I read it this time.  I chuckled to myself and knew this saying that I had held in the back of my mind for so long was simply not true.  Yes, we can grow in hard times but we can grow unbelievably in good times as well.

There has been a lot of joy in my life recently.  In the past, that would have led me to believe there must be something awful coming.  In fact, it would have made me hope something awful was coming because otherwise I may get too happy and not be able to grow.  This is completely wrong thinking and will cause anyone to spiral into a terrible depression.

Today, I can tell you that I have grown tremendously because of the recent joys I have experienced.  I have learned that God doesn’t want me to be living in constant guilt and fear.  I have seen that there are so many reasons to smile if you look for them.  It has become clear that there is nothing wrong with having a positive attitude about life.  Rather, it is a great benefit spiritually and physically.

I know it won’t always be “easy”, as some would put it.  Still, when things are hard, I would venture to say that I will employ what I have learned during this time of joy and use it as a way to get through whatever comes in the future.  That is growth!

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