The Value of Hope

“Hope is the anchor of the soul, the stimulus to action, and the incentive to achievement. – Anonymous

Hope is as precious as gold. Without it we can’t go on. The past couple of weeks in my life have helped me realize this even more than before.

My Hopes

After the difficult episode my family experienced due to my epilepsy, I once again had to choose to cling to hope. Hope that my injured ear would heal without problems. Hope that the flame of joy in our home would not be hindered but rather fanned even further. Hope that Erik would continue to love me in that incredibly self-less and romantic way he always has. And hope once again that this will have been the last seizure.

No matter how crazy it may sound after over 30 years of living this rollercoaster, I choose hope. If I didn’t, I know it wouldn’t be possible for me to be anything more than a person who has seizures. It would be a clear admission of defeat that would bring pain to me and everyone who cares for me. I would assume that I could never be healed. That the many voices who have shared the belief that I will one day be well are simply mistaken. It would be like fighting a war sure you have already lost.

The Result

But I must choose to continue on with hope guiding my triumph. First, I long to be a light of encouragement and laughter that stands out beyond the seizures. Next, I pursue with reckless abandon how to be the most committed and vivacious life partner, the most loving and uplifting mother, and the most encouraging and humorous friend. In all of this anger tries to strike my cause. Still, with even a tiny grasp on hope, I am employed to continue forward. I see all that is possible in spite of the little adjustments I may be forced to make along the way.

Ask Yourself

As I always say, we will all go through adventures in this life and we choose to learn from these experiences or keep repeating the mistakes. Today I challenge you to observe your life right now and ask yourself: Are you clinging to hope or assuming defeat?

This is a powerful way to look at what you are currently experiencing and determine why you may be succeeding or failing in your dreams. I would love to hear more about how you answered this question and what it meant for you. Please connect with me to share your story!

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